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Convert BTCV to wBTCV

Beware of scams!

Here is the proof of wBTCV smart contract, by clicking the link you can verify that this particular smart contract belongs to the Bitcoin Vault.

What is wBTCV?

  • wBTCV is BEP-20 token which represents BTCV on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.

  • wBTCV gives BTCV functionality to interact with smart contracts with low transaction fees.

  • ​BTCV coins can be wrapped to wBTCV on BTCV platform. Your BTCV will be frozen and you get 1:1 wBTCV.

  • wBTCV can be “unwrapped” to BTCV 1:1. Mechanism is easy, your BTCV is unfrozen and wBTCV is burned.

Why use wBTCV?

  • Greater liquidity to the BTCV community.

  • Opportunity to:

    • trade with low fees (e.g. on PancakeSwap),

    • interact with smart contracts, DApps, NFTs, DeFi (yield farming and lending platforms),

    • possibility to store wBTCV in wallet (e.g. Metamask).

Who can use wBTCV?

  • Everyone possessing BTCV or wishing to join our community.

  • Anyone looking for a new way to use BTCV coins.

  • BTCV enthusiasts who would like to explore world of DeFi.​

  • Traders who look for better liquidity and a wider range of tokens to exchange.

Proof of Assets

Proof of Assets (PoA) is a way to ensure transparency of the system. It shows that BTCV backs wBTCV in a 1:1 ratio. When wBTCV tokens holders exchange them for BTCV, the tokens are burned. The process of minting and burning tokens can be tracked on the blockchain.

wBTCV are minted through a specially created smart contract. The balance of BTCV and wBTCV is the same, you can check it at any time via the smart contract address: